Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Psychology Homework Essay

The argument I have chosen to use is one that was between my friends and I. It was the early hours of the morning and we were at a Jacuzzi party. We were discussing the topic of wages and how much those of us who worked were earning. We then started talking about football players and how they earn millions of pounds for doing a very unnecessary and over paid job; compared to people who offer a service for the country such as those in the NHS or the armed forces who spend all day risking their lives or saving other peoples. The two main points of the argument were: 1. ‘Yes, Footballers are over paid but that is the way it is and that’s how it fits into the national framework’ – This point was shared by everyone in the argument, except one person 2. ‘Footballers are paid to much and it should be changed now! ’ – This point was shared by one person The people who believed in point 1, myself included showed how their point was valid. They showed that even thought it is not morally right for footballers to earn that much money compared to the amount of work they do or in comparison to people in public services but that is the way it is and with out them Public services would not be able to run as easily. We showed this by explaining the national frame work. The money that is earnt by the footballers is taxed greatly, some as much as 40%, This money is then distributed between education, social security, the NHS and many other things. The other person was still on a one tracked mind that it was just wrong and should be changed. So we explained it again and after much persuasion he started to see things our way. He then started to change the argument and incorporated big companies such as McDonald’s and Nike. His point was that they employ people in under developed countries to work for them because it’s cheap labour and it allows them to make a massive profit margin. The whole group agree that this was wrong but being the well balanced young adults we are, we looked at both sides. Some of our outcomes were that even though to us it seems like an unacceptable wage, the people employed are at least employed. We went far beyond people in Asia and right to where we lived. To other people, 16 and 17 year olds being paid just over minimum wage to work long hours and do jobs other people would say no to, is fine by them. In fact, after this argument a lot of people involved realised it was about themselves. How ironic?

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Augustinian Theodicy and Irenaean Theodicy Essay

The problem of evil is a significant and enduring philosophical and theological debate. A question is often raised and discussed: if God is both all-loving and all-powerful, then how can evils-including natural evil and moral evil—exist in our world? In response to the charge that the evils of the world are incompatible with God’s omnipotence and perfect goodness, the word†theodicy† is coined to deal with the problem of evil. Usually it is an attempt to show that it is possible to affirm the omnipotence of God, the love of God, and the reality of evil without contradiction. Two of the most well-known and most frequently discussed theodicies are the Augustinian theodicy and the Irenaean theodicy. The Augustinian theodicy was constructed by Saint Augustine (345-430 AD) and is the main traditional Christian response to the problem of evil. The Augustinian Theodicy holds the view that because God is perfect, the world was created free of imperfections. God cannot be blamed for evil and suffering since God didn’t create them, on the contrary, evil comes from angels and humans who act less than perfectly and choose through free will to sin and disobey God. Natural evil is an appropriate punishment because humanity destroyed the natural order, we have all sinned so we all deserve to be punished. Quite different from the Augustinian theodicy, the Irenaean theodicy which was created by Saint Irenaeas (130-202 AD) and later developed by John Hicks and Richard Swinburne doesn’t see the world as created all-good and describes an almost opposite process compared with the Augustinian theodicy. It holds that humans were initially created as immature and imperfect beings; they were created in the image of God, but not His likeness. Mankind’s goal is to achieve that likeness. Such perfection and likeness of God cannot be ready-made, it can only be developed through free will choices, and we can only become moral and develop through making moral judgments. Natural evil has to be created in order to help man progress. According to Irenaean theodicy, the suffering of the world will be justified with the reward of heaven, and this is a heaven for all, everybody will go to heaven by achieving the likeness of God. The following passages are mainly devoted to the discussion of the distinctions between the Augustinian theodicy and the Irenaean theodicy. First, the different theories of evil are where a foremost and drastic distinction emerges. In the Augustinian theodicy, the main philosophical position is the idea of the negative or privative nature of evil. Evil here is seen as a matter of privation-in each created being, evil is that which deprives it of the particular form or purpose which is natural to it. In other words, evil is not substance, not a â€Å"thing†, but a privation of good, an absence of good and a falling away from good. It always consists of the malfunctioning of something that is in itself good. For example, shadow is not a proliferation of darkness, but an absence of light. Since evil is a lack of something, it is not something that was created by God, but comes from angels and humans who act less than perfectly. When human being’s free will abandons what is above itself and turns to what is lower, it becomes evil. So human beings are totally responsible for evil because evil is the result of hu man error. In the Irenaean theodicy, however, evil plays an important role in the gradual creation of a perfected humanity through life in a highly imperfect world. Then a question â€Å"Why can’t God just create us as perfect as in Augustinian theodicy?† is raised. To this question, John Hick gave a fully and vivid explanation in his book Philosophy of Religion. He cleverly points out: if the world were a paradise from which all possibility of pain and suffering were excluded, then the consequences would be very far-reaching, nothing bad, nothing suffering would exist in this world, no one could ever be injured by accident, people could do anything immoral they want without hurting other people†¦ As a result, in a world free of real dangers, difficulties, problems, obstacles, there will be no meaning for the real good qualities as generosity, kindness, love, prudenceetc to exist. God had to allow the possibility of evil, because if there were no such possibility man would not be free to choose good over evil. If there were no evil and suffering humans would always follow God’s law because there would be no difficulties in doing so. The evils in this world are required by a God of love who seeks the development of his free creatures from their original innocence into fully mature spiritual beings. In other words, we human beings learn to be morally mature enough to grow closer to God. Evil can lead us to the final goodness and perfection. In this regard, God is partly  responsible for the evil in the world. Second, Augustine sticks close to the biblical text, whereas Irenaeus ties his theory less to the biblical text. As the more authentically biblical view, the Augustinian theodicy is based on the Bible and does not contradict the scriptures; it follows the traditional Christian interpretation of the creation story in the Genesis: God creates the world perfectly in six days, Adam and Eve—-the ancestors of human beings—live in the Garden of Eden happily, until one day Eve is tempted by a serpent and eats the forbidden fruits and is finally driven out of the Paradise. By eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil Eve commits the first sin. Augustine’s theodicy could be seen as consistent with this interpretation of the text. Moreover, he uses other Biblical ideas of God, and defends the perfection of God by maintaining that evil is a privation and not a substance, and that evil comes from human sinfulness. Humans deserve the consequences of natural evil and they are responsible for their own suffering through abuse of their own free will. The Irenaeus theodicy, on the contrary, is not compatible with biblical teaching. As a matter of fact, it is in many ways just the opposite of the interpretation of the Bible by claiming that God is partially responsible for evils. Third, in comparison to the Augustinian theodicy being a â€Å"Soul deciding† theodicy, the Irenaean theodicy is a â€Å"Soul making† theodicy. â€Å"Soul deciding† means that different consequences come as a result of the free will of human beings. So if a person chooses to do a morally wrong act a consequence will follow. A â€Å"soul making† theodicy is applied by irenaeus, which means to move from the state of imperfection through moral struggle toward eventual completed humanization. Besides the distinctions mentioned in the above passages, the Augustinian theodicy and Irenaean theodicy are often compared by people in many other aspects. For instance, Augustine leaves some people a long way from God whereas Irenaeus explains how everyone can reach heaven through moral struggle; for Augustine God is remote from man, having been distanced by his sin whereas for Irenaeus, as we make this progress we grow closer to God, reducing the epistemic distance between us and God; the Augustine’s theodicy is often thought of as a pessimistic and â€Å"tragic†Ã‚  theodicy whereas the Irenaean theodicy is generally conceived as a â€Å"comic† theodicy as is more positive and optimistic. Not surprisingly, the two theodicies also have some similarities, the most common one is that both of them trace evil back to human free will: for Augustine it is the reason why angels and human beings fall from the ultimate goodness of heaven, and what they use to disobey God, but for Irenaeus it is a part of God’s plan because it allows self-development, people also use this free will to disobey God and it causes suffering, but this suffering can help them to develop their character in order to choose to embrace goodness or evil. In conclusion, the Augustinian theodicy and the Irenaean theodicy are two sharply contrasted theodicies: the Augustinian theodicy which is also known as the â€Å"soul deciding† theodicy, stresses the role of the Fall, and sees evil as either sin or the result of sin; whereas the Irenaean theodicy, which regards evil as a requirement by a God of love to let his free creatures to develop from their original innocence into fully mature spiritual beings. Thus, our world becomes â€Å"the vale of soul-making†. Since the day of their births, the two theodicies have respectively received many praises as well as criticisms and challenges. Many deficiencies are found in both of the two theodicies. As a matter of fact, the problem of evil, far from being solved, is still open to discussion. References Day, Elizabeth. â€Å"Geneticist claims to have found’God gene’ in humans.† The Washington TimesWorld. 15 Nov 2004. Copyright 2004 News WorldCommunications, Inc. Hick, John. â€Å"An Irenaean Theodicy.† A John HickReader. Ed. Paul Badham. Philadelphia:Trinity Press International, 1990. 88-105. Ridley, Matt. Genome. New York: HarperCollinsPublishers, 2000

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Summary Of Utilitarianism Philosophy Essay

A Summary Of Utilitarianism Philosophy Essay Utilitarianism, also known as the â€Å"English common sense philosophy† dominated the Western world during most of the nineteenth century. Utilitarianism is a normative ethical theory that places the seed of right and wrong solely on the outcomes (consequences) of choosing one action/policy over other actions/policies, hence also sometimes referred to as â€Å"the Consequentialism†. The history of this theory dates back to its true pioneer Jeremy Bentham ( 1748-1832) who gave rise to a new concept in hedonism: The Social Hedonism which was quite different from the Hedonistic doctrines of Aristipppus and Epicurus who are considered to be the fathers of Hedonistic school of thought. Bentham ; the common-sense British thinker is largely held responsible for the shift from † egoistic (individualistic) hedonism to the Universalistic( social ) hedonism. He declared in his book † Introduction to the Principles and morals and Legislation† that all mankind is ruled by two basic masters; namely PAIN and PLEASURE and that all human race is busy in the so-called rat-race of the pursuit of pleasure and the disapproval of pain.He also asserts that good can be equated with pleasure and evil with pain. Here comes in the big question that† How should pleasures be graded as far as preference is concerned?† Whether one should go for ‘short-term and intense’ pleasures or ‘ long-term and mild pleasure’ take precedence over the former. He therefore came up with a detailed outline of principles regarding the preferences of pleasures in his â€Å"Hedonic Calculus†. According to Bentham’s calculus, he emphasized the significance of seven â€Å"circumstances† in order to determine the value of any action, hence presented a criteria for the preference of pleasures influenced by following major factors: Intensity: of the pleasure or pain that results Duration: of either of the two Certainity: The confirmation that pleasant event will be occurring. Promptness : The nearness of the pleasant event. Fecundity: Its ability to reproduce( lead to) more pleasure. Purity: freedom from either present or future. Extent: characterized by the number of people affected by the action John Stuart Mill(1806-1873) adjusted the more hedonistic tendencies in Bentham’s philosophy by emphasizing that it is not infact the quantity of pleasure, but the quality of happiness that is central to utilitarianism. He further argued that pleasure couldn’t be quantified as stated by Bentham and can only be measured in terms of quality only. Mill advocates his rationality of ideas in the following famous words: â€Å"It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better Socrates disstatisfied than a fool satisfied† The implification of this advancement by Mill lead to a belief that the calculus is unreasonable — (there is a distinction between ‘higherâ⠂¬â„¢ and ‘lower’ pleasures). According to Mill, utilitarianism now refers to â€Å"the Greatest Happiness Principle† – GHP. it seeks to promote the capability of achieving happiness (higher pleasures) for the maximum number of people. The Maxim holds as such: † Greatest happiness for the greater number† Act and Rule Utilitarianism The principle of utility can either either be applied to PARTICULAR ACTIONS or GENERAL RULES. The former is called â€Å"act-utilitarianism† and the latter is called â€Å"rule-utilitarianism.†

Sunday, July 28, 2019

How was the ideology of the Progressive Era different from that of the Essay

How was the ideology of the Progressive Era different from that of the Gilded Age Compare the two, consider business regulation - Essay Example The American industrial revolution peaked during the Gilded Age as large labour pools were available. Miners, ranchers, farmers and African Americans moved to the cities and provided cheap and abundant labour. Innovators such as Bell and Edison saw rapid progress and innovation. This led to the formation of companies that could not be overseen directly by a business owner. The railroad industry’s expansion demanded that a formal, well regulated management system be put into place. New large corporations began to emerge. Banking and stock selling were utilised to generate the large revenues required to finance the new industrial mammoths. The railroad industry expanding into the West required $16,000 per mile of track. This level of financing could not be met with by one investor or a group of large investors. Finance was generated using new corporate structures. Corporate organisations such as â€Å"gentlemen’s agreements†, trusts and holding companies began to d ig deeper into the market for monopolistic control. Eventually the holding companies overran the trusts. A new class of robbers barons emerged who were robbing the common man but presented themselves as devout philanthropists. Industry slipped into the hands of the financing wizards. Finance gurus such as J. P. Morgan utilised oversold stock to reinvigorate businesses and Morgan eventually became â€Å"America’s greatest financier† representing his power of the field of finance. Monopolistic associations began to emerge such as Morgan, Schwab and Carnegie’s steel business, Rockefeller’s oil business and the American Tobacco Corporation. Wealth began to accumulate in the coffers of a select few. Labour was both abundant and cheap. Women and children were the least paid and overworked. While the average pay was just 400-500 USD but the minimum sustenance was 600 USD. Working conditions were unsafe, working hours long and job security absent. A wave of immig rants from Asia and China exacerbated matters. Trade unions could not be materialised because the diverse ethnicities found it hard to work together for their rights. Multiple small and ineffective labour unions emerged. Events such as small, sparse and uncoordinated protests were the only achievements of the early trade unions. On the other hand, the Progressive era was dominated by the wish and will to reform the corrupt and discriminatory system. The Progressive surge was led by the rising middle class. Professional development in specific fields in urban centres encouraged a class of organised and determined people to emerge. Professionals such as doctors, lawyers, professors, teachers and architects formed organisations to defend and project their interests. The enrolment in college went up by some 400% between 1870 and 1920. Similarly, the ranks of the professional class rose from 750k to some 5.6 million people. The emergence of a professional class with their own organisatio ns presented the emergence of new interest and pressure groups. However, these groups were actively lobbying for reform in the government and industry which they saw as corrupt and discriminatory. Most progressives were looking for ways to clamp down on â€Å"laissez faire† so that governmental control could be introduced. Large corporations were seen as an active threat. The hoarding of half of the nation’

Strategic plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Strategic plan - Essay Example In this case, I will come up with strategies that minimize costs, reduce waste, meet the market demand and enhance customer satisfaction. The other key concept in strategic management is analyzing the formulated strategies. This concept involves strategy formulation, monitoring and implementation (Jeffs, 2008). In this case, the analysis will involve in-depth external and internal analysis of the weaknesses and strengths of a business. Strategy formulation requires taking a specific course of action that helps meet targeted goals. Strategy implementation requires management to put the formulated strategy into practice (Jeffs, 2008). Finally, strategy monitoring involves the evaluation of the implementation process to achieve the desired results (Jeffs, 2008). In future, I will formulate strategies that facilitate growth, sustainability and expansion of my business. These strategies include keeping books of accounts and having a focused management. I will implement my strategies by acquiring assets, operational machinery, and an efficient workforce. Finally, I will monitor the strategies by having a strong internal con trol framework. The internal control framework will include having internal audits and effective risk assessment. I will also ensure that I adapt to the dynamic technological changes for quality services and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Managing Diversity at Cityside Financial Services Essay

Managing Diversity at Cityside Financial Services - Essay Example Ethical issues in organizations touch on the workers honesty, respect and trust. Ethics also deal with the way an organizations leadership conducts its affairs and the type of leadership adopted and the culture in the organization. An example of an ethical issue is whether the managers should seek the views of the other workers or who should make decisions. Failure to engage all members of the staff in decision making is an ethical issue in which the managers should reflect on whether what they are doing is good or bad. The choice of management’s decision cannot be resolved in a court of law although this influences the motivation in an organization. The other example of an ethical issue is on how an employee behaves towards their seniors. For instance when the opinion of an employee is ignored in a meeting despite this observation being helpful to organization can strain the relationship between the management and the other workers but one cannot be resolved in court. Impacts of diversity on human capital management and development in an organization According to Choi and Rainey (2010), the American workforce is continuously becoming more diversified due to greater access of equal employment opportunities for the minorities and women. Choi and Rainey (2010) describe that early research on workplace diversity focused on the individual and organizational outcomes; concluding that diversity provides a great opportunity and challenge to the organization. Consequently they argue that understanding the impacts of diversity on the organizational results such as employee satisfaction and organizational performance is critical. Choi and Rainey (2010) affirms that researchers have come to a... Diversity at workplace is can be an important aspect in ensuring organizational effectiveness. However, if diversity is not properly managed it could lead to conflicts and miscommunication leading to poor team work and problems in management. The laws require all organizations to be diverse by complying with the provisions of equal opportunities commission. Discrimination may not be intentional in all circumstances since implementation of some organizational policies may lead to disparate impact and disparate treatment. In the case study of CitySide Financial Services, the bank is locking out African-American from holding managerial positions in the External Deposits units in a claim of trying to be responsive to the kind of customers served in the unit. To deal with ethical and legal issues that can arise in an organization, businesses need to seek the opinion of a legal expert. Moreover, organizations can manage diversity through adoption of a lean management hierarchy that coordin ates and resolves conflicts with it.

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Rhetorical Presidency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Rhetorical Presidency - Essay Example He managed not only to rescue his presidency but also instill national moral revival which had been diminishing. Now it has become a common phenomenon in contemporary leadership. The Genesis of Rhetoric Presidency Throughout the 19th Century, rhetoric presidency was received with a lot of suspicion and presidents rarely attempted to directly communicate to the people. Even the few speeches delivered by presidents were totally different from the ones delivered today. They were mostly concerned with constitutional matters, patriotism or conduct of war as opposed to today’s domestic policy speeches aimed at moving the nations’ conscience. In the modern times however, presidents have come to believe that they are not effective presidents if they cannot be able to exhort the public. It is now common for presidents to make press conferences, radio or TV coverage speeches, news releases or congressional address every so often. These speeches have a common tone to them, i.e. â €Å"Speaking is governing,† (Ceaser, 159), and are aimed at exhibiting the public’s reaction as if to a real situation. ... President Nixon was aware of the public’s reaction to a lot of rhetoric and came up with his own anti-rhetoric promising to stop it, but the president could not even control himself from ‘shouting back’ at his detractors. And of course there was President Carter who at first was all calm promising to bring sanity back to government but by the mid of his term his speeches were all full of rhetorical forcefulness talking of the decline and revitalization of the country. But what are the implications of these rhetoric speeches that almost all the contemporary presidents find themselves caught into? The Rhetoric Presidency: ‘Pulpit Bully’ or Mere Baloney? Many people term these speeches as mere rhetoric and they know that it’s all talk. But despite the knowledge of this fact, the excess speeches have continued to inflate people’s expectations to the detriment of these leaders. This has developed into an institutional dilemma for all the mode rn governments. These presidents are expected to match their actions with the ideals they created in the public’s mind through their rhetoric speeches. In the end, it is their government that is weakened by this kind of leadership since it is hard to measure up to the peoples’ puffed up expectations. With failure comes criticism and cynicism from the same people they sought to impress. When George Bush was asked about his most disappointing experience in leadership, he admitted that he was not a good communicator. Clinton too wished he had done a good job in communicating to the public according to what he could achieve, (Edwards, 20). So is the president’s office exactly a ‘bully pulpit’ as Roosevelt described it? Most modern

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Trademark registration related to business law of Qatar Research Paper

Trademark registration related to business law of Qatar - Research Paper Example There have been cases in the world previously where one company thrives out of piracy by enjoying the goodwill of another company. This is a criminal offense in the business world today. Trademark law was developed to counter this offense. Trademark law is a set of rules developed by countries, trade blocks or international bodies that protect trademarks within their jurisdictions hence eliminating unfair competition. The service mark is different from a trademark in that a trademark serves to protect products while service mark serves to protect services. According to the Oxford business group, The Qatar government has a trademark law in place that was established in the year 2002.   This law states that trademarks are protected in the nation of Qatar as per law number 9 of 2002, known as the Trademarks Law. This term is effective from the date of registration and is afterward renewed after every ten years. At the moment, applications for patent protection registration service cen sing are made to the Gulf corporation council patent office, which does the registration of patents throughout the Gulf corporation council member states; since Qatar does not yet have a patent registration system of its own. In the case of an infringement of a person’s intellectual property rights, he or she can file a complaint with the trademarks office and in some cases, the matter may be reported to the police. An application will be turned down if it is not unique, or it just describes the product or service it is representing.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

ABC Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

ABC Application - Essay Example The inspiration of this idea was developed when I came across Speak and Translate software of Apple. With the passage of time, as I grew up the issues prevailing in different genders was one of the most controversial things. In my past relationship, understanding a woman remained was the most crucial aspect. I always desired to encode focusing on the tone and way they speak to understand what they actually mean. The idea of ABC Software developed when I was able to see several fun applications for assistance in different things. The use of the sensor to dedicate heartbeat, eye movement, hand movement, etc is possible with a Smartphone. The inducement of the science and technology has always been possible with Smartphone. The conflict between the psychology between the two genders (Male and Female) has remained to be one of the major issues in relationships. Personal inspiration to put science and technology together to create innovate way to overcome psychological gaps between male a nd female is possible through this application. The idea is inspired by several personal life events and observations have provided me a vision to develop this application. The tone detection to translate and decode the meaning is one of the major strength of the application. The unique feature of this application makes this application unique and desirable for individuals. The application can effective way to decode the actual meaning of a girlfriend and can significantly contribute to resolving the conflicts.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

National Economic Policy (macroeconomic) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

National Economic Policy (macroeconomic) - Essay Example The volatility in the spending of the consumers can be influenced by the volatility in terms of trade. After the middle of 1980s Australia has been subjected to less volatile terms of trade. The terms of trade is correlated with economic growth. The terms of trade rises when the economy is experiencing growth while the terms of trade takes the declining curve when there is no such progress in the economy. Question a The terms of trade consists of two prime components namely the world prices of the exports and imports and the goods variety that are offered to the consumers. Australia has been regarded as the country that has the potential to affect the global pries of the goods. The recent developments within the geographic boundary of the country can influence the terms of trade. Australia is net exporter of coal and therefore the rise in the global prices of coal compared to with that of other ICT goods will impact to raise the terms of trade. The terms of trade shares close correla tion with the prevailing exchange rates of the economy. The financial crisis in 1990s led to reduction of the nominal exchange rate. The regional influences can play a part in volatility of the import prices while the prices of exports are influenced only by change in global prices. In short period of time the imports prices fall more rapidly than export prices. The unstable productivity growth in either in tradable or in non tradable commodities sector contributed in boosting the exchange rate. The sectors of finance and insurance and some other sectors experienced rapid productivity growth after the decade of 1980s. The second factor that can be accounted for is the strengthening of the U.S. dollar which was driven by the inflows of capital. The exchange rate therefore remained lower than the fundamental levels in the short time span. The less volatility in terms of trade played a part in keeping the economic growth more or less at the stable state as well as contributed in mainta ining the rate of inflation at lower levels. The terms of trade followed the upward rising curve after 2000 (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2011). Australia turned away from relative price impulsive properties towards more predictable exports of goods over the last fifteen years. The country now involves itself in export of wider range of rural goods. Vegetables, dairy products constitute the other varieties of exports and exports of such commodities have risen in due course of time. Question b The factors that have the potential to influence the terms of trade are as follows: The global demand fluctuations The commodity market shock Globalization shock The first shock and the second shock play their part in driving the prices for exports while the third shock raises the total productivity of output and at the same time reduces the import prices. The terms of trade line gets shifted as the exchange rate offer surplus to the external shocks. The demand shock will influence the inflation to rise up but the impact is expected to be felt only in the short period of time as the rates of interests are high enough and the real exchange rates appreciates. The IS and the LM curve forms the Mundell-Fleming model. The GDP of any economy is the sum of consumption, investment, government expenditure and net exports. The net exports are the difference between imports and exports. The LM curve uses the following

History of nonprofit organizations Essay Example for Free

History of nonprofit organizations Essay The history of the nonprofit organizations in the US is dated back to the mid of 19th century. They came as important tools to look after the effects of the slavery activity. Generally, a non-profit organization is an organization with a legal constitution whose creation is by private people/persons or elsewhere organizations without any fundamental representation within the government activity. At the epochs of globalization effect in early 20th century, the subject matter of nonprofit organization became yet a more featured activity. This was at the realization that the central government could not serve to solve most of the people’s problems. Even the existing national and international organizations had their roots to serve the interest of capitalists more than the general human population. To strike a counterbalance to this irrationality, development of these organizations was biased in fostering development, providing humanitarian support and aiding in development sustainability. Their development came inform of various types with interest in different areas of humanity. Depending on the purpose and role to serve and play in the society, development of these organizations is fundamentally made to provide an environment for support into different spheres of humanity. At one view, they engage in designing and implementing projects which are related on development. This provides the conventional understanding of them in providing development support to the community. Their classification within US is in terms of development oriented, international, community based or even national organizations. Their purposes are different and mainly depend on the kind of service they provide to the society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nonprofit organizations in the US can as a refuge to the long suffering of human beings at different levels. They came to bridge the gap of inefficiency which was provided by the political and governmental structures within the US governance system. Their basic aim is to provide various conditions which are solemn to providing various support structure to improve the human population. Their method of activity is also diverse coming in form of lobby groups, initiative programs above community-based activities for service to the people. The basic rule with all non-profit organization in US and the general world is that they are strictly not made to make profit benefits in their foundations. They should service the interest of the community in line with their activity to ensure high standards of service output. The nonprofit and non-benefit nature of these organizations is provided by the legal structure of the Federal Legal system which recognizes their presence and roles before instituting various legal parameters. At the individual/internal capacity, they are guided by various legal autonomies within  Ã‚   constitutional framework that embody their activity. They are free from the authorities of international laws. (Hall, 22)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Generally, their role and purpose is diverse and depends on the basic purpose for their formation. However, the basic purpose is to provide service to humanity by confronting various issues that affect the human population. Either, their development is only made to serve the interest of a specific population of the people in which they are instituted. In the US, nonprofit organizations come in a huge number making more than 600, 000. In regard to their functional outlay, they are instituted for environmental conservation, human rights encouragement and observance, taking care and improving the inequalities within the disadvantaged societal population, or even having an agenda on corporate representation to the society. They rise as corporations to provide refuge to the human population by acting on provision of the basic inequalities allied to the society. They aim at providing structures that provide support in the well-being of the society. It seeks to provide autonomy in the observation of well-founded societal image before driving the society to attainment of its mission. Key guiding principles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Due to the diversity of culture and operations by these organizations, some principles help as guide for their activity. At one point, the principles provide rationality in the support of equality in the basic corporate governances which help to ensure observation of the conventional purpose allied to their formation. Firstly, all non profit organizations are to be guided by the principle of optimal costing. This is in the realization of their nonprofit nature which provides support for the most adequate costing system. Costing is observable in the budgeting systems which help to provide a support for the best cost parameter.   Budgeting involve the control of funds to ensure the most adequate use of their financial authorities. Costing principle is guided by their non-profit/benefit nature which prevents any financial advantage in terms of profit or benefits to any party. The Federal Law recognizes the importance of costing principle in these organizations before instituting various laws and regulations to guide them in their support for the most optimal interest to the community in service.   This principle is fundamentally obliged in internalizing the cost parameters in the organizations financial outlay in terms of their grants, cost of contracts, financial utilization and allocation and any other fundamental activity allied to the costing system. The aim of the principle is to provide a concrete share of the cost liberation by federal government in the administration process of the non-profit organizations within its framework. Either, the principles help to define in the standards of approach and use in providing structures for adequacy in the financial management and quotations of their costs in activities and processes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Either, all non-governmental organizations are to be guided by adequate public relations standards. With their role and activity outlay within the society, these organizations should always provide structures for standard relationships with the general public population. This is a basic factor if their role of meeting the societal goals is not to be compromised. Public relations are the basic tools with which various organizations such as charity organizations and foundations use to capture the relative interest of the general public. Through sophistication in the public relations activities, many organizations are able to raise their funds. They use various lobbying techniques to seek financing from the government and other statutory sources. Either, high public relations to interest groups help to provide importance of benefits with their fundamental influences to the social systems and political standards. Either, their public relations support helps to campaign adequately among the human population to achieve their basic missions and goals. (Dimagio, Anheir, 152)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With the diversity in the activities and mission statement, all non-profit organizations are provided with support by high standards of monitoring process and control of activities. Controlling and monitoring is a basic principle which helps to ensure a coordinated approach in all their activities. All activities and processes are controlled and monitored in order to ensure a support of the basic activity and fulfillment of their service to the general public. This principle provides an oversight into the basic fundamentals that help to ensure a logical collaboration between the various structures of the organization. At one point, controlling and also monitoring seeks to provide accountability for the character and effect of the process and activities. It seems to provide a sanction of coordinated approach with which activities are done according to their optimal requirement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Non profit organization are free from jurisdiction and control by the federal government unless of very explicit legal controls. As a basic and conventional principle, these organizations are supposed to be out of the federal legal system. The guiding force and regulations should be based on the specific standards and requirements of specific organization. This is by conventional due to the role played by the organizations as a bridge towards the rigidities found in the federal legal system. Either, they should not be allied to the international legal process. The principle of free government control should therefore prevail. Otherwise, any interaction and control by he federal government would betray their mission since majority are founded as lobby groups to act against the federal system legal inequalities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As an ethical parameter, the funding process and activities should fundamentally be authentic. This should seek to provide an atmosphere for the most adequate income flow. The funding principle is a subject of the costing principle with which the size and scale of funding is to be determined and evaluated in a conventional costing system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Democracy should always prevail in all activities of these organizations. There foundations are aimed at providing support for the general interest of the public population. They are interest groups which serve stop the basic loopholes and rigidities of the federal legal system. Democracy helps to provide equity and equality in service provision to the public. It seeks to ensure that the interest of the public is seldom at par with the good of the society. This is a preferential requirement which gives the community an optimal opportunity of enjoying basic interest in the community development process. They should invite for free contribution, comment and exercise of the members allied to them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Either, the performance of their work should be at peaceful and harmonious grounds where no external harassment, intimidation, reprisal and discrimination is to support their basic activities. This helps to formulate standards of activity where they are to act and perform at their most discretional and willing capacity without any external effect. Either, there should be no external influence by the federal governmental which is to provide support for the well being of the society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Elsewhere, they should be provided with conditions for seeking, managing, receiving and administering their activities in the support of international, domestic and foreign activities and entities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Equally, individual joining, formations and participation in such organizations should be at the discretion guided by their freedom and rights of expressions, associations and peaceful assembly. This helps to provide standards with which the governmental regulations are not to shape the interest and nature of the organizations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since the principles are to provide support for the authenticity and the well being of the society, the governments of democratic countries are to act adequately in the effect of the strong withstanding of these organizations from the inadequate influence of the national systems. The violations of their basic principles should therefore call for a close action by the national government in their effective defense.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The concept of ethics is fundamentally critical in analyzing the management system of the non profit organizations. The Alliance for Nonprofit Management Standards (ANMS) is the movement allied to setting and establishing ethical standards for use and applications by the organizations. Ethical management is closely allied and synonymous to adequate management. Ethical management is a subject of nonprofit organizations leadership which help to ensure a conduct within the gross corporate requirement. It’s a basic support that provides harmony in the institutional framework of these organizations. They help to provide a peaceful coordination in implicit formality to ensure ways and means to safeguard the interests of the stakeholders. At one edge, it helps to provide responsibility and either set the respective ideals in the professional outlay of the organization. On the extreme end, unethical management is what violates the basic principles of nonprofit organizations. Its operations are to provide for a continued inequality in the role they play in the society. Such unethical management is a way of administration and organizational leadership which provokes the legal authenticity of the nonprofit mission statement. Generally, every ethical management is to provide solid protection for the organizations clientele and professional system. Either, such management does not compromise structure for acceptance into adequate system of administration and also the will of guidance to the people. It does not compromise on improving the consistency and also the quality of the life of the individual human population with which it provides service to. Ethical management provides a standard collaboration in the activities of the organizations. Every ethical management is aimed at rationalizing the quality, support and formulating high integrity for capacity building within the organization’s activities. Due to the fragility and the developing nature of the capacity building within these organizations, every epoch of the legitimate leadership standards to provide support for the mission statement of these organizations. Ethical behaviors in the leadership autonomy, helps to provide effectiveness and promotion of capacity building in the functional outlay of these organizations. Ethical management equals ethical standards which ensure a support for standardized capacity building.   Ethical managing is a tool for promoting a better clientele service and activity within the organizational framework. It is an approach which seeks to ensure control of the interest conflict within the organizational function. (Waden, 715)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, unethical management is subject to providing inadequacy in the standards of the organizations activity. This is the leadership activity which destabilizes the functional capacity of the organization. It is a leadership activity (management appraisal) which brings conflict to the organization. Elsewhere, unethical management does not focus on maintaining the basic principle allied to nonprofit organizations. This is the management system which down looks major rules and processes within the organizations which ensure a collaborated approach in service delivery and promotion of efficiency in the organization’s activities. Legal framework   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Generally, non-profit organizations have a lot to do with its legal status. At one level, many states have well provided laws which govern the activity of the organizations. Either, these laws help to regulate the management system and formulate the various requirements for their establishment. The nature of these laws is to provide standards of support for management process which does not overlook the systems of corporate governance. Above the state laws, their internal systems is driven and monitored by authorities which provide support for basic organizational coordination. Above the many legal requirements, these organizations should provide well detailed support of their financial activities. This should have a clear picture in the level of expenditure and also income flow within their transactions. The legal system requires them to have a full support for the governance and management system by providing a layout of their organizational management staff. The legal structure under the federal system also provides the level of structural formulation. It pronounces the legal terms with which these organizations are made to follow in the pursuit of their administration from the legal status portfolio as the tax exemption clause. This provides that the organizations are to enjoy income tax free activities. Tax exemption in US is through Internal Revenue Service (IRS). However, this exemption is only enjoyed by organizations which meet specific statutory requirements which includes, limited spending, safeguard for charity interest in its internal affairs above specifity in its purpose. Tax exemption is required a full commission to the requirement of the nonprofit organization’s activities. (Walden, 719) Deviations from this standard requirement will lead to the withdrawal of the tax exemption requirement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, the Federal Law has a weak force in providing for charity and non-governmental operations. It fails to substantially provide the basic requirements for what should be done by the organizations. However, lack of strong legal concern does not mean that the state government should run these organizations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, the basic legal authority of the non profit organizations is bound to be self regulatory without operational influence of both the state and the international laws. The organizations are made to provide their own management system which should not go by the standard of approach and regulation by the state law. However, private control by these organizations is the foremost influence of inadequacies in the fundamental activities. Due to their solidary private control and governance, these organizations will at many a time endure inefficiencies in the administrative prospects. Their private nature is the basic initiative for mismanagement and rebel over many interests at the expense of the federal system laws and regulations. (Til, 54) Governance and board development strategies. With the fragility allied to the activities of the non-profit organizations, governance and board development posits an important factor. Consideration for the most optimal governance and development within such organization should not be compromised. However, essential of board development should provide strategies which helps to ensure the most adequate board system. Firstly, the choice in strategy should not overlook the role of the board. However, the achievement of the goals and missions of the organization should be promoted. This helps to ensure high standards of achieving the standards of the organization. Either, adequate support by the board helps to facilitate a comprehensive support for the roles of the organization. However, supported training to board members should seek to ensure the most adequate governance structure within the organizations. (Axelrod, 142)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nonprofit organizations come as fundamental bodies that seek to refuge the problems allied to the current regime where such organizations have risen falsely with even non-functional activity and performances. The board should therefore reclaim the specific roles they are made to play within the organizations. This is to ensure a richly state of practices. Either, the board has a sublime role to play in the governance of the organization. Unless the society is provided with clarity of the authenticity in the activities within the organization, various stakeholders may not have the will to participate fully in the organization’s activities. The board is allied to a functional capacity which helps to provide strength of the weaknesses born in the institutional and also management capacities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The boards’ development should therefore provide various strategies which help to give a comparative impression for adequate activities within the organization. This should seek to give directions on strategies and goals for facilitating control on organizational issues. Every governance structure will therefore help to provide a strong coordination of the internal outlay of the organization. The rules of many boards reduce shortly after the registration of the organization where such boards disintegrate out. There functional layout is mostly seen at the growth stage and emergent stage of these organizations. However, they normally posses unclear or even poor definition in the goals of the organization. There is lack of understanding of the governance requirements. The next aspect is the modality of conflict among them and the organizations management.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Therefore, every strategy in board development should perpetuate a board which ensures effective board’s activity. Adequacy in such board should not compromise training of the board members. Training is therefore an important strategy which should be used to overcome the inequality born by the weak board systems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The board development process helps to ensure a board which helps to coordinate adequately the activity of the organization. For adequacy in the leadership and governance styles within the organization, the board provides an authentic support for the organizational activity. The development process of the organization’s board should use various developmental initiates as strategies with which it will be able to adjust its board development process.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Either, the mission of the organization should be a basic fundamental aspect when defining the nature of the board development. The organizations mission should be the basic tool which helps to shape the nature of the board. Through the mission statement, the characters and the nature of the board will thus be shaped. Elsewhere, the organization program should a basic guiding strategy towards a better coordinated approach for the governance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A coherent plan of its strategies should guide the organization in developing its board. Since organizational strategies vary with its mission and activity, the package of strategies should seldom be the guiding factor towards the nature of its board.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Governance structure system of the organization plays an important role in defining the nature of activities it plays within the community. Sound governance is very important in defining the scale of attainment of the mission statement. Either, the governance system borrows its authority from the management and the board outlay. Adequacy in the governance plays a predominant role in defining the level with which the organization is able to achieve its goals. Either, the structure of the board defines the standards with which the governance of the organization is to be. (Silk, 76)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By their nature, non profit organizations are formed on private grounds to overseer the interest of the people. Every good relationship between such organizations and the community /public should fundamentally be provided for. Generally, the relationship between these organizations and the community is ideally rationally close. It seeks to create an incentive of participation between the community and such organizations. Elsewhere, lack of adequate relationship between the two would definitely mean standards of high activity and a reasonable state of coordination and surveillance for the community. The interest of the organizations is in the provision of service to the general public. Adequate attempt of coordination between them and the community should be provided as the best initiative which provides grounds for service to the human population. Financial and human resource management A package of basic principles in the financial management, human resource management and fund development act as the guiding rule for these organizations. Financial management is an approach of administration in which the financial inflow and outflow is monitored considerably .This is to ensure that the financial transactions are at the most optimal discretion to provide support for the community. Either, this is aimed at providing the closest relationship between the community and the organization . However, the basic principle is the optimal costing principle which is applied to provide the most adequate system of financial use in the financial system .Optimal costing implies that the financial inflow and outflows is at the greatest capacity to provide support for the use of the finances. Generally poor financial use has been the benchmark in lack of trust to many of the organizations by the community, government and private financiers .Therefore every optimal costing should seek to serve the interest of the stakeholders in the organization. Either, like any other organization, these organizations should provide financial management systems which ensure the right perception by both the internal and external environments. Accountability provides a support for financial management .The internal financial position, standards and figures are used by the internal management to make decisions about the organization .Through adequate disclosures of the financial documents, and the management is able to make the relevant decisions (Linnel, Radoserich, Spack, 48) Generally, these organizations are to maintain their financial accounting in the principle provided by the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Such provide that financial accounting follow the international standards in support of the financial documents Either all non profit organizations ought to have a system of internal control. This is to ensure that the financial transactions abide by the conventional system of management Elsewhere non profit organizations are supposed to have full provision of reports to the finance management and to be provided to the relevant stakeholders such as financiers. Adequate financial reports are important to every activity of management within the organizations Generally the management should use systems of adequate control on their budgets which ensures adequate control in their budgetary system .Budgeting is very important for every activity allied to the organizations. Financial management also provide a requirement in which the governance structure has clarity in its role play to the organization,s financial management . Adequacy in the role play by individual members provides accountability support for it’s   individual persons. Elsewhere, financial management seeks to provide the basic requirements which may be required by the different donors in the use and the allocation process of the funds .Above all, financial records are to be submitted to any stakeholder in use and control of the organization if need be for effective management. Due to the importance attached to the human capital in these organizations various principles are applied to provide a support for the most functional human capital. Many of the organizations are involved in the provision of service to the human population. To many organizations, the human workforce is large with professionalism and competence provided for all. Therefore, the organizations should not look down to the nature in which the human capital support can be provided to the service output. However, depending on the organization, various principles embody there activities. (Hall, 26) Firstly training and human force development is never compromised. This is in the realization of role played by every upright and experienced work force. They ensure various training programs for their workforce. Within the scope of the workforce management, aspect of planning and design of work for them is highly vigilant. Proper planning and design of work is important in every attempt to reduce conflict between them. Planning is made according to some preferential attributes. Time and again, the organizations provide an adequate support in the employee recruitment process and the selection for new staff. This is via the use of modalities of high competence and management. In all the activities, the rights of employees are never overlooked. This is a principle which applies to all employees of these organizations. It ensures providing support for the workers in enjoying and exercising their contribution to the organization. This is an attempt to provide support for ensuring that workers are not exploited of their resource capital. (Jeavons, 218) Workers exploitation is the main cause of conflict at the working environment. Also, the principle of performance management holds true in these organizations. Performance management involves monitoring of the role played by the workers through surveys and study activities. Performance management provides support for adequacy and optimal performance by these workers to ensure the most optimal output by the workers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fund development is an important tool in the non profit organizations. Such organizations are allied to formulating various fund development strategies. Fund development implies the system of approach in creating funds and using supporting tools for creating their donation. This helps to provide support for fund raising and using methods to attract funds from the donors and finances. Fund development uses the tool of public relations to create fundamental environment with which such financiers can be motivated to run the organization. Fund development is a management attribute which seeks to investigate the financial support system so that adequacy in the organizations funds can be ensured. Since this is a management process, it uses basic tools and approaches which provide support for the highest funding. Fund development will help to provide the organization with a relieved workload and hence avoid not meeting financing deadlines. This is an important aspect in the management structure since it is the driving force of the organization towards its goals achievement is the level of funds.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Financial and human resource management, and also fund development are closely interrelated. Firstly, these are system of management and governance of the organization which provide the most adequate corporation in the organizational structure to provide an authentic goal and mission achievement. The success of each implies and promotes the success of the other. At one level, good fund development is allied to financial management where the tools of financial management are used to adequately apportion and budget for the collected funds. Either, all the activities that include financial management and fund development are provided by an adequate structure of human resource. This provides a support for the adequacy into the activities of the organization. Human resource package is fundamental in defining the nature of performance of all the organizations activities. Emerging practice in non profit organizations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Currently, the non profit organizations’ activities have had a diverse state of practices that are emerging out from the conventional outlay of the organizations in the US and the world in general. These practices have been key pillars in providing a support for the most authentic system of support for the future of the organizations. The sector is perhaps having a brighter future when its activities and processes are under a good system of practices.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Firstly, policy and framework on the legal parameter guiding the organizations have been developed on fountain grounds. Adequacy in the legal policies is a fundamental subject in providing adequate support for their performance. Policies ensure a coordinated approach in the standards of the organization legal framework which ensures that conflict is reduced between the organizations activities in terms of its structures and stakeholders. Through a support for strong legal modalities that act as pillars of the organization, the management process of the organizations is highly strengthened with little or no conflict in their governance process. Strong legal framework has ensured that the organizations act within the basic legal requirements that promote the best relation with the community. Either, adequate structures above programs as well as services ensure a coordinated link between the organization. Every organization is accompanied by a structure of specific programs, and structure which help to ensure a strong personal activity.   Adequate programs and high maintained and supported structural authenticity has ensured a continued high activity and dominance of the organizations in the society. Program system is the nature of the activity support for the organization. Strong program and services outlay provide a support for a continued rationality of organizations within the society. (Til, 53) Generally, the organizations act within the human capacity.   This is synonymous to capacity-building by the human populations.   Human capacity has been a basic tool for leading to changes in the social structures and hence provides conditions for the most adequate human life potential in the global portfolio. Their nature is in service to humanity. Within the changing nature of the social structures, capacity building remains an important aspect in rationalizing the societal activities. Providing adequate outcomes in their performance and the measures in their activity is also an emerging practice. There has been an increased activity in the analysis of their activities.   Performance outcome seeks to study the scale with which the activities described to the organizations provide the most adequate and profitable benefits. Summarily therefore, the aspects of nonprofit organizations is fundamentally critical and capturing an enormous scale of activities within its jurisdiction.   They does a lot in support the human population.   Their adequacy depends on the manner with which management is done in due course. Work cited Axelrod, Nancy R. (2005). Board leadership and development. In. R.D. Herman, Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management, pp. 142, San Francisco: Jossey Bass Publications. Dimaggio, Paul J. and Anheier, Helmut K. (1990). The sociology of nonprofit organizations and sectors. Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 6, pp152. Hall, P. H (2005). Historical perspectives on nonprofit organizations in the United States, In. R.D. Herman, Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management, pp. 22, San Francisco: Jossey Bass Publications. Jeavons, T. H. (2005). Ethical Nonprofit Management. In R.D. Herman, Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management, pp. 218. San Francisco: Jossey Bass Publications. Linnell, D, Radosevich, Z, Spack, J, ( 2001). Executive Director’s Guide: A Guide for successful Nonprofit Management. Pp.48. Boston: United Way of Massachusetts Bay. Silk, T. (2005). The legal framework of the nonprofit sector in the United States. In. R.D. Herman, Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management, pp.76, San Francisco: Jossey Bass Publications. Til, V. (2005). Nonprofit Organizations and Social Institutions, In. R.D. Herman, Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management, pp.53, San Francisco: Jossey Bass Publications. Walden, G. (2007). Who’s watching us now? The nonprofit sector and the new government by surveillance. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol. 35, 719

Monday, July 22, 2019

Assisted suicide Essay Example for Free

Assisted suicide Essay Should assisted suicide or euthanasia be legal in situations where an individual is experiencing intense suffering?   This question brings to light moral and ethical issues which have been the cause of heated debate for several years.   In an attempt to find an answer, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and mercy killings must first be defined. Assisted suicide is when someone provides an individual who is physically able, with the means necessary to end his or her own life.   Euthanasia is when someone provides the means necessary and then performs the act that takes the life of another individual.    This act may take place either with or without the consent of the individual who is suffering.   Euthanasia is performed when death is considered to be in the best interest of the individual in question.   (Mathes, 2004)   Euthanasia is often performed by administering extremely high doses of narcotics, sedatives or antidepressants. The patient develops respiratory depression which results in death. (Panzer, 2000) Doctor Jack Kevorkian emerged in the public eye in 1990 due to his involvement in the assisted suicides of at least 130 people.   Although many people credit him for launching the right-to-die movement, he did not.   He acted entirely on his own initiative until he was charged and convicted of second degree murder in the death of Thomas Youk.   Kevorkian didn’t launch the movement, but his actions did bring the right to die issue into the lime light.   (Humphry, 2007) There are pros and cons of assisted suicide.   Both sides of the issue are supported for specific reasons.   All of the reasons are completely understandable.   Unfortunately, whether or not you support assisted suicide is a matter of each individual’s moral and ethical guidelines.   The only factor that is definite is the fact that it’s illegal. The Pros of Assisted Suicide  · Patients are relieved of extreme suffering – Many illnesses including cancer cause a slow death accompanied by excruciating pain.   Doctors know when a patient is going to die as the result of an illness.   Some believe that allowing a patient to experience such unbearable pain when they are going to die anyway is inhumane and unacceptable.  · Every person has the right to choose whether they live or die – The constitution doesn’t state that a person doesn’t have the right to choose death. Therefore, everyone has the right to choose for themselves.  · Patients have the right to die with their dignity intact – Many terminal illnesses cause people to slowly deteriorate until they lose control of their bodily functions.   In situations such as this, patients are stripped of their dignity.   They don’t want their families to remember them this way.   Patients should have the right to choose death with dignity.  · The cost of health care can be greatly reduced – Health care costs for the terminally ill can add up quickly and dip into any money or assets that the patient wanted to leave to family members in their will. If a person would rather die than then should be able to exercise that right.  · Medical staff can devote more time to saving lives Understaffed hospitals are common in the United States.   Situations such as this can affect the quality of care and can even cause overtired hospital staff to make errors that could be potentially harmful to patients.   Caring for dying patients takes a lot of time.   If a patient would rather die and are allowed to do so, then hospital staff could devote more time to the care of patients who will recover.  · Disallowing suicide infringes on the patients religious freedoms – Religious beliefs include life in the hereafter. Laws disallowing suicide allow the government to force their religious and moral beliefs on everyone else.  · Assisted suicide can make it easier on family – Families often experience as much pain as their dying family member.   They are often overcome by grief and stress by watching a loved one suffer, knowing they are going to die anyway.   Oftentimes patients would prefer to die rather than to watch their family members hurt so much.   Allowing the patient to choose death can ease the pain and suffering of the family and the patient.  · Healthy organs can be harvested to save the life of someone else – Hundreds of people are on organ waiting lists waiting for healthy organs needed to save their lives.   When a patient is slowly dying, their organs begin to shut down and cease to function making them unusable as a donor organs.   If a patient is allowed to die, their organs can be used to save lives.  · Patients who want to die may attempt suicide on their own – If patients choose to end their lives on their own, they will use whatever means necessary. Sometimes they choose a bullet or a noose and this can be devastating to the family.   Assisted suicide is a more humane way for patients to die. (Messerli, 2007) The Cons of Assisted Suicide  · Violation of the Hippocratic Oath – When doctors take part in assisted suicides they are violated the Hippocratic Oath which includes, â€Å"First, do no harm.†Ã‚   Furthermore, it would undermine the trust between doctor and patient.  · Assisted suicide devalues human life – In the United States when death occurs, we mourn and part of the process includes celebrating the life of the person who died with memorial services, wakes and other ceremonies.   When there are tragedies that result in loss of life, we donate money to the families who suffered loss.   Americans place value on a human life and taking a life through assisted suicide because it’s the easy way out, eliminates that value.  · Legalizing assisted suicide could lead to abuses – If the United States legalizes assisted suicide for dying patients there will some who will use it as a catalyst to legalize all suicide due to emotional or psychological issues or simply because a person no longer desires to live.   This would be a travesty.  · â€Å"Thou shall not kill.† – Just about every religion has laws against killing.   Allowing assisted suicide would demean the religious and moral values of our society.  · Patients would give up too easily – If a patient is given a terminal diagnosis and assisted suicide is legal, they may choose to give up on life too soon.   There have been miraculous recoveries and incorrect diagnosis.   Patients, who choose death too soon, may forfeit their second chance at life.  · Insurance companies would put on the pressure – If assisted suicide was an option, doctors would be pressured by insurance companies to act.   Insurance companies would save a lot of money by not having to pay for the health care of dying patients  · Too much power for doctors – Legalizing assisted suicide would put too much power in the doctor’s hands which could cause them to act in an unethical or immoral manner. (Messerli, 2007) Although the American Medical Association is against physician assisted suicide, there are still doctors who support and participate in this practice.   In one physician survey done by physicians in Oregon it was found that 53% of the physicians asked, approved of assisted suicide and 24% supported euthanasia. When a patient was experiencing extreme physical weakness, 37% of the physicians asked, supported assisted suicide and 24% supported euthanasia.   In situations where patients believed that they were causing undue distress to their loved ones, 24% of physicians supported assisted suicide and 7% supported euthanasia. When patients had lost all hope in living, physicians supported assisted suicide by 22% and 7% supported euthanasia. In another survey taken by a group of one-hundred and fifty-five oncologists, it was found that 15.8% admitted to participating in either assisted suicide or euthanasia.   In 60.5% of the cases, patients requested euthanasia or assisted suicide.   There were 15.8% of patients who didn’t make the decision that their life be ended, but the decision was made for them. Research seems to consistently reveal that a small number of doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers have admitted to participating in ending the lives of patients.   (Panzer, 2000) Incidentally, the American Nurses Association also opposes assisted suicide and euthanasia.   The ANA defines the standards expected and the ethics by which nurses are bound.   The ANA also developed the â€Å"The Code for Nurses† and published it in 1976.   â€Å"The Code† serves as a guide for practicing nurses, as well as a guide for evaluating nurses.   The ANA further expresses that the nursing profession follows in the tradition of the Hippocratic Oath, â€Å"do no harm.†Ã‚   There is often a thin line between the â€Å"preservation of life† and a â€Å"dignified death,† but the Code emphatically observes its opposition to assisted suicide and euthanasia.   However, the ANA views the withdrawal of treatments meant to sustain life such as a ventilator, chemotherapy or a feeding tube, as within the rights of the patient.   (Mathes, 2004) Surprisingly, very few patients actually follow through with assisted suicides.   Many feel that since so few people are seriously interested in assisted suicide that the need for legislation isn’t justified.   Only one in ten patients request the lethal medications and only half ingest it.   Knowing that assisted suicide is an option is a comfort for dying patients.   Even if they never do it, they know there’s a way out if their pain and suffering becomes unbearable. However, many hospice caregivers contend that the pain isn’t so much a concern for the patients as is their quality of life.   (Jeffrey, 2006) Family members, who have experienced assisted suicide first-hand, have mixed reactions.   While some describe the death of their loved one as peaceful or beautiful, some are devastated because their loved one chose death.   Family members give similar descriptions of the natural deaths of loved ones.   (Jeffrey, 2006) The question of whether or not assisted suicide or euthanasia should be legalized or not is a very personal issue.   The answer will depend on such factors as religious beliefs and moral values.   It’s not an issue that the government should even address.   If the government takes a stand and either opposes or supports assisted suicide and euthanasia, they are then imposing their beliefs on the people.   If the government imposes their beliefs on everyone then our country is no longer a democracy.   On the other hand, the United States was founded and built on Christian principles.   Perhaps the government should decide their position on the issue based on the teachings of Christianity.   The debate will likely continue for many years because there isn’t a cut and dry answer.   There is no right or wrong answer.   Everyone needs to decide based on their own personal convictions.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Literature Review: Access to Care for Addicts

Literature Review: Access to Care for Addicts Hettema, J., Sorensen, J. L. (2009). Access to Care for Methadone Maintenance patients in the United States. International Journal Mental Health Addiction. 7 (3) 468-474. DOI:10.1007/s11469-9204-6 This paper was presented to increase the awareness of individual with Opiates treatment programed Dependency are denied access to residential treatment. Although, Methadone Maintenance Therapy has been proven to reduce illicit drug use, improve psychosocial functioning, ability to keep employment, decrease criminal activities, and contracting HIV, AIDS, and Hepatitis. There are great concerns for those clients in Methadone Maintenance Therapy who need more intensive treatment. MMT does provide basic medical screening, dosing, and outpatient counseling. The more services provided for the client leads to a better outcome. The study found that treatment dose measured by number of days in treatment, number of treatment session attended and number of services received leads to a positive outcome. Some factors to consider are limited availability of residential treatment, insurance payment and the impact of abstinence philosophy. Mainstream views addiction as a moral problem rather than a medical issue. Hettema Sorensen (2009) identifies philosophical differences separates mental health and addiction services is hard to integrate. Society regards methadone as a necessary evil. There are ongoing empirically evaluated treatment approaches who do not follow an abstinence oriented philosophy. There are issues with the Americans with Disability Act because client is being denied services because of their use of a prescribed for their substance dependency. There are ambiguities in the interruption of that. The author is not aware of any litigation now. Ducharme, L.J., Knudsen, H.K., Roman, P. M. (2006). Evidence-based treatment for Opiate-Dependent clients: availability, variation, and organization correlates. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 32.569-576. DOI: 10;1080/009529906000920417 This article examines the availability and correlates with evidence-based practices for opiates dependence in the United States. This research sampled addiction treatment with and without MMT services. This article also examined community based treatment programs with MMT units as one of their modalities. The researchers included both methadone available and non-methadone setting, then compared the number and type of service available to users. The method used was a data analyses collected in 2002-2003 national representative sample of addiction treatment centers in public and private sector. There was extensive face to face interviews conducted with administrators and clinical directors of 763 treatment center. The data collected in 2002-2003 face to face interviews included  organizational characteristic, size, ownership, accreditation, staffing, treatment practice methadone availability, level of care, pharmacotherapies, wraparound service, The findings suggested the majority of opiate dependents clients are not in Methadone Clinics. Many agencies are not willing to refer opiates dependent patient. to MMT. The opiate dependence client would benefit from the referral that uses evidence practices if referred. The research suggests further study to determine which opiate dependence client would benefit from evidence client care. Parks, C., Fullerton, C.A., Kim, Meekee, Montejano,, L., Lyman, Russell, Dougherty, R. H., Daniels A. S., Ghose, S. S., Delphin- Rittmon, M. E.., (2013). Medication-Assisted Treatment with Buprenorphine: assessing the evidence. Psychiatric Services in Advance.DOI10.1176/appi.ps201300256 This article reviews Buprenorphine treatment as an alternative to Methadone Maintence Treatment for long term treatment of Opioid Use Disorder. Buprenorphine is not considered as abstinence treatment. The purpose of buprenorphine is to reduce or eliminate opioid use. The authors conducted the research that examined abstracts of identical articles for compliance with the review. The research provided evidence of the effectiveness of improving treatment retention and decreasing illicit opioid use. The evidence is growing both BMT and MMT improved pregnancy outcomes. Ongoing treatment is necessary.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Comparison of My Last Duchess and Ulysses :: comparison compare contrast essays

Comparing My Last Duchess and Ulysses  Ã‚   Both of the poems, ‘My Last Duchess’ by Robert Browning and ‘Ulysses’ by Alfred Lord Tennyson, are examples of dramatic monologues, in that they solely consist of the speech of the protagonist. As a result, they have few or, in the case of ‘My Last Duchess’, only one stanza. Many enjambed lines and many irregularities in the basic form of iambic pentameter also hide the rhyming couplets in this poem. ‘My Last Duchess’ is set in Renaissance Italy and is the Duke of Ferrara talking to a servant of his prospective father-in-law, about a painting of his former wife. The narrator of ‘Ulysses’ is the man in the title, an Ancient Greek hero, talking about his loathing of his regal position and his wish to travel again before his impending death. Although they are both powerful men talking about their pasts, there are noticeable differences between the two poems, both in the protagonists themselves and the poetic devices used t o present them. One of the clearest differences between Ferrara and Ulysses is the source of their power, and the kind of power that they wield. Ferrara’s power comes from his ‘nine-hundred-years-old-name’, that is, his position as the ruler of one of the many city states that make up the present-day nation of Italy. This was a position he was born into-not one which he earned. He obviously puts great value on his inherited status, as he refers to it as a ‘gift’ and objected when his wife did not consider it more precious than the gifts that other people gave to her. He considers himself to have been very generous by making her his Duchess, and he thinks that his wife should have ranked this generosity than that of others. He gives examples of other gifts which she thought of as equal in worth, such as: ‘The white mule She rode with round the terrace’ ‘The dropping of daylight in the west.' The Duke does not think that such things, which are trivial to him, should bring her the same amount of joy as the presents he bestows on her. He is also mildly jealous of the way that other things can make his wife happy. He thinks that she should love him and him alone. This is particularly shown when he refers to someone else. ‘The bough of cherries some officious fool

Essay --

Theories of development have been motivated by the need to explain mass poverty. Interest in development issues is of rather recent origin, dating back not much earlier than the nineteen fifties and early sixties. As represented by their more influential proponents, the development schools of thought reflect roughly the following chronological order of appearan Modernisation Theory 1950s-1960s Modernisation emerged in the late 1950s and early 1960s; it was constructed from a newly profound position that was taken by America in terms of its international hegemony based on the concern to eradicate social problems faced by poor countries. However in the late 1960s there was an involvement of the US in Vietnam due to modernisation programs that failed. This led to the emergence of a Marxist dependency school that aimed to challenge modernisation school. The battle between dependency and modernisation theory emerged and it later became subside. This left the development of the third world to be less emotional and ideological. However the main focus of modernisation is attributed from the...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Globalizaton Essay -- Economics Economy Papers

Globalization is a term that has become very popular in recent times. It is a concept with many differing definitions. Thomas L. Friedman, author of The Lexus and the Olive Tree, describes globalization as a movement that enables individuals, corporations, and countries to reach around the globe farther, faster, deeper and cheaper than ever before. Globalization is the spread of free market capitalism to virtually every country in the world. Countries are encouraged to allow free trade, privatization and competition. Basically, it involves worldwide integration of both economic and political ideals. Globalization is becoming more popular and more accessible mainly because of the recent advancements in technology. Many believe it to be a positive phenomenon, while others believe that it is very bad. The rise and spread of globalization has brought along with it many supporters and opponents. Benefits of globalization are that it creates jobs, generates prosperity, raises standards of living all around the world and much more. When companies do business in other countries more jobs are created. Companies such as Nike, Levis, Coca-cola are constantly building factories in less developed countries, such as Indonesia, Vietnam, Dominican Republic and many more. These factories are providing jobs for thousands of people who would otherwise not be able to find work anywhere else. This helps the human rights issue and can be beneficial for the overall economy of the country as well as the individual. James Robinson, former head of American Express said, "I think it's helping human rights because what it's doing is it's giving jobs to people at salary levels that they never had access to before. So in time I think this becomes more self... ...obalization. October 2000 The World Trade Organization. Geneva, Switzerland. October 2002 Public Broadcasting Service. Transcript: Globalization and Human Rights. October 2002 Panayotou, Theodore. Globalization and Environment: CID Working Paper No. 53. July 2000 North American Free Trade Agreement. "NAFTA: A Foundation for Canada's Future Prosperity." Canada. September 2003 FDI Magazine. "Egyptian Endeavors." December 2003. Hill, Charles. International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2005 Tseng, Wanda and Zebregs, Harm. Foreign Direct Investment in China: Some Lessons for Other Countries. International Monetary Fund, February 2002.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Human sacrafice Essay

At around the early 1400’s and 1500’s the Aztecs conquered the region of what is today Mexico. At this time religion and culture was at height. They controlled lives of more than 20 million people! Now historians are looking back at this time not knowing whether to emphasize agriculture or human sacrifice. Historians should emphasize human sacrifice and not agriculture. The Aztecs had a great number of how many people were sacrificed. More than 2,300 prisoners were taken out of teuclepe for motecuhzonna and chihauacoalt to begin their sacrifice (Doc D). In  result of their organization they had a special time to begin sacrificing. It would start midday and end at nightfall (Doc D). They would start by killing them while their blood was racing down the temples stairway. Every time the priest cut out their heart he would roll their dead bloody body down the stairs (Doc D). The Aztecs thought of human sacrifice as a major part of religion. They thought of their gods as the most important part of their life that they even had people dress up as gods (Doc.C)! Before they start the sacrifice the person chosen is usually dressed up as a deity (Doc E). The Aztecs treat him as a god for his last year alive (Doc E). The villagers treat him as a royal family member. They would also shower him in complete luxury from the noble’s house including food, teachers, and clothes (Doc E.) when it is time for sacrifice all the women of the village feel terrible sadness when he is taken away.(Doc E). The Aztecs thought that the sacrifice also represented human kind as well. Many people think human sacrifice is a horrific brutal matter, but at the time it was a great fascination. It showed respect that the men had to sacrifice themselves (Doc D). It is believed to many historians that those who volunteered were those who had a richer afterlife. To conclude, Historians should emphasize human sacrifice because it clearly describes who the Aztecs really are. It describes the gruesome torture, and its huge part of culture. Unlike human sacrifice agriculture isn’t very unique. Agriculture is basically everywhere and everyone does it the same or else it wouldn’t grow. Therefore historians should emphasize human sacrifice.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Virtual keyboard

There is a wide mark of innovative input catch selections accessible in the securities industry today. Most of these input devices are designed for ease of intention. old devices are usually developed and ameliorate to devise new inventions fitting for the jam needs of the computer client. In almost cases, these brand new public toilets are dispensable, apparently for plain entertainment.Browsing through the cyberspace has provided the writer with information closely the latest input devices that have swamped the market for gadget finds. I have chosen iii different keyboard innovations, putting them side by side, to identify their operating(a)ity and efficiency. Through a h anest analysis of product descriptions, the value and marketability of from from each one one is overly identified.The realistic keyboard is a laser technology that takes input through keyboard to a new level. The virtual keyboard is an I-Tech innovation that is tho a projection of the stand ard keyboard interface. push-down stacks speaking, the virtual keyboard can be border on any type of surface. This is a perfect companion for laptop, PDA, Pocket PC, and gifted Phones commitrs, accustomed to traveling around.The virtual keyboard kit and boodle in a complex musical mode as it processes movements of the give-up the ghost and the fingers to identify and hunt out various keystrokes. Each keystroke is join with a tapping sound for a pragmatic feel. It does not use up oftentimes power because when it is not in use, it vanishes mechanically from sight. The virtual keyboard can be connected to any device through USB or Bluetooth connection.The FrogPad mini keyboard is an some separate provoke keyboard device because of its size. Its dimensions are smaller than the symmetric keyboard dimensions and it has tho around 20 functional keys. equal the virtual keyboard, it is excessively designed for traveling and outdoor use.An interesting fact about the FrogP ad mini keyboard is that it is one-handed. Inputting only requires the use of one hand allowing you to do other things piece typing. It can be connected to any type of device such as PDA, Laptop, Pocket PCs, Smart Phones, and other varieties of mobile devices through USB. The FrogPad mini keyboard is wide used in computers installed in vehicles because of its functionality and hardly because it saves much space. Its newest development is the FrogPad Bluetooth wireless keyboard.The shade On It keyboard control pedals by Bilbo Innovation, Inc. is a plug and play keyboard peripheral that makes use of a three electronic pedals in replacement of some keyboard keys, such as the Ctrl, Alt and Shift keys. However, designating other keys to each pedal is allowed, as desired by the user. The objective of the keyboard control pedal is to cut back wrist strains that may have caused by prolonged typing activity.Among the three keyboard innovations listed above, I think the device having the most market potential is the FrogPad mini keyboard. A lot people nowadays are feeling for ways to maximize their time and be able to do multiple tasks at the same. The FrogPad mini keyboard enables you to this. As it saves much space, it is also easy to bring anywhere you sine qua non to go, through the use of handheld devices and other computers. It also offers a one-handed feature where it permits multi-tasking.It also comes with features like switching left hand and the right hand, and its interface allows users for easy input. The I-tech virtual keyboard comes next with regards to market potential. Aside from its cunning and hi-tech design, it is also practical and functional for people on the go. It is best to use it with handheld devices to save space.The most interesting thing about it is that it each keystroke is attended by a real tapping tone similar to the tapping sound in regular keyboard devices. It was creatively designed and well idea of, producing an innovation that captures the attention of the computer client. The dance step On It keyboard control pedals are impractical. It results to disorderliness as it changes the way the keyboard is used. It complicates things because you have to intermix the use of your fingers and your feet. I would have to secern it has not proved its potential for consumer consumption.ReferencesBilbo, (2007) misuse On It Keyboard Pedals. Retrieved December 4, 2007 from Bilbo InnovationsInc. Website http//, M. (2006) Virtual laser Keyboard Now Available. Retrieved December 4, 2007, fromOverclocl3d Ltd. Website http//, (2006). FrogPad Mini Keyboard USB. Retrieved December 4, 2007, Website http//

The Swot of Emirate Group

Introduction The Emirates Group is a highly economic line of merchandise with a turnover of approximately US$ 12 billion and over 40,000 employees. The Group comprises of Dnata, the sure-fire Airport Ground Services and Travel manufacturing division, and Emirates, the Groups rapidly expanding and award winning international airway. Emirates world(prenominal) network now sees it flying to over carbon destinations across 6 continents, operating a modern-day fleet of over 130 wide-bodied aircraft.Today the air duct has orderlinesss outlay over US$ 58 billion for one hundred seventy more of the latest aircraft, with plans to rent to many more destinations in the months and years ahead. Essential to our continued business success as we expand will be the ongoing employment of high quality good deal to join our multi-cultural team of over 150 nationalities. In addition to lifestyle and tax free allowance benefits, the Emirates Group to a fault offers professional developme nt opportunities to assist employees develop new skills and grow their careers successfully. Swot AnalysisStrengths As a competitive and globally recognized airline perseverance, Emirates air lane has been able to pee strategic gear up in the global market. In fact, when Emirates air hose silky their business, it already had the advantage of size. With several consecutive years of multibillion profits, the company has outshined its major pair companies to become a model pie-eyed. Also, Emirates Airlines decision to revolve about on diversified market and by considering and entrance the cargo shipping and their customer divine service was a courageous one, but it has led to its current space as one of the top global brands.The firm has likewise been characterized by many analysts to have an competency to adapt to changing market conditions in order to maximize profit. Listening to and identifying with consumers has allowed Emirates Airline to construct a corporate cultur e that bears little resemblance to the Emirates Airline of the past. The ability to ceaselessly renew and improve their service in the airline and aura while effectively managing the needs of their target audience is the key to maintaining Emirates Airlines leader status and the key for deliver the goods in having strategic position.Weaknesses Not all of diversification and approach have been successful and this can be considered as one of the flaws or weaknesses of the company. Analysts have criminate the company of focusing overly much on their high-end acquisitions and diversification in spite of the risky cause of such decisions. it does not cater for a disperse of places in the USA, middle class and budget travelers Opportunities The root for long-term competitiveness is the ability to develop continuously new generations of more advanced airline and aviation services.Therefore one of the companys opportunities is to tap into more markets as a result of the innovati ons being introduced in the aviation. Localized capabilities enabling or even enhancing such co-operation will always make a dissimilitude when it comes to graduation exercise-mover advantages. The opportunity to penetrate new growth markets where net profit adoption still has room to go, Leveraging Emirates Airlines infrastructure business to get first choice and stronger position against rivals is also an opportunity.They also have the opportunity to get ahead of their rival companies, and this should be the case, since the said market is a potential good for you(p) source of income. The trend of considering the internet market also shows cases new opportunities for the company. Threats Rival companies are major threats to the business. Emirates Airline, in contrast, started out in other lines of business and entered and airline capabilities of the company.The firms inability to keep up with innovations, or recognize its demand, creates a threat for them, a risk that they coul d be displaced by other industry leaders. The legal and political environment in the countries where they operate in could potentially affect the business negatively. Their ostensible complacence could be used by their rival companies to their advantage, and take Emirates Airline by surprise, with the latter realizing too late that they are not the industry leader anymore